Welcome to the dental office of R. Peter Maly, DDS! We’re so happy that you’ve chosen us as your new dental home. Not only are we passionate about protecting our patients’ oral health, but we also stay current with the latest and techniques.
Read this page thoroughly to learn what forms you’ll need to fill out and what you can expect during your first appointment with our Novi dentists.
Patient Forms
Fill out these patient forms to expedite your first visit with us. Our family dentists want to make your transition to our office as smooth as possible so you have the best experience.
New Patient Forms:
What to Expect
You’ll need to first check in with our front desk staff so we know you’ve arrived. If you haven’t already, you’ll need to fill out your new patient forms so we have them on file. This is why we recommend you do this before your appointment so we can expedite your check-in.
Make sure you also bring your dental insurance card so we can bill your insurance company. Anything not covered by your insurance policy will be your responsibility to pay. (Full payment is expected at the time of service!) Once you complete and turn in your forms, our front desk staff will ask that you take a seat while you wait to be called by one of our dental hygienists.
During your first appointment, we’ll perform an oral examination and may take dental X-rays to get a baseline of your oral health. We’ll also conduct a thorough teeth cleaning. If we discover a cavity or other issues, our will recommend the best course of treatment to restore your oral health.
Request an Appointment With Us
Our family dentists in Novi, MI, are always happy to answer any questions you might have about your oral health. To request your first appointment with us, call R. Peter Maly, DDS at (248) 347-3700. We look forward to seeing you!