How to Replace Missing Teeth

Dentists in Novi, MI

dental implant dentist novi mi

If you have ever felt self-conscious about your missing teeth, you owe it to yourself to schedule a consultation with our dentist. Tooth replacement is important not only for the appearance and function of your smile, but also for your overall oral health.

There are three common tooth replacement options that we offer:

  1. Dental bridges
  2. Dentures
  3. Dental implants

Here’s what you need to know when choosing the option that’s best for you.

1. Dental Bridges

Like the name suggests, a dental bridge “bridges” the gap in your smile left by a missing tooth. It consists of a false tooth anchored in place on both sides by dental crowns. Our dentist may recommend a dental bridge if you don’t want to wait months for a dental implant to fuse to your jawbone.

A bridge is a great option for patients who have an otherwise healthy smile, as the adjacent teeth will provide a strong foundation for the restoration. As long as you take proper care of your bridge and maintain your oral hygiene, it should last anywhere from 5 to 15 years.

2. Dentures

Whether you’ve lost one or more teeth, you may want to ask about getting full or partial dentures. Dentures are removable false teeth that help you eat and speak normally after major tooth loss.

Although dentures may slip occasionally when you sneeze or cough, this can be easily corrected by biting down gently and swallowing. If you notice your dentures slipping more often, don’t hesitate to call our office to see about getting your dentures refitted.

While wearing dentures, it’s important to continue taking care of your oral health. We recommend brushing your gums to avoid plaque buildup in empty sockets. Otherwise, bleeding gums could make it painful to wear your denture teeth.

You’ll also need to keep your dentures submerged in water or cleanser any time they’re not in your mouth to avoid cracking and warping.

3. Dental Implants

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root, usually made of titanium, that’s used to anchor a dental crown. While the dental implant procedure is more invasive than other tooth replacement options, it is also longer-lasting.

Many of our patients appreciate dental implants because they look and function like natural teeth. A tooth implant fuses with your jawbone over time so it won’t slip like dentures. Dental implants can last a lifetime if given proper care.

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants stimulate jawbone tissue so it doesn’t deteriorate over time. Jawbone deterioration is a serious issue because it affects your oral health and the shape of your face. Dental implants also help hold adjacent teeth in place so they don’t loosen and eventually fall out.

To be a good candidate for the dental implant procedure, you must have healthy gum and jawbone tissue. However, if you don’t have sufficient jawbone tissue, our dentist may recommend a bone graft.

Request an Appointment With Us

Our restorative dentists in Novi, MI are accepting new patients! To schedule an appointment and learn if you’re a candidate for dentures, implants, or dental bridges, call R. Peter Maly DDS at (248) 347-3700.

Family Dental Care

Our dental office treats patients of all ages. We are here to give you quality dental care in a great environment. Please contact our Novi, MI office to learn more.

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